Posts filed under ‘Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts’

Glowing by mary elizabeth

Cherie, Dan and Martine are finally home here at Living Light after their super successful tour of Canada, Washington and Oregon.  Now our own raw food Doctors Rick and Karin Dina are taking their fabulous Science of Raw Food Nutrition I class on the road as well.  They will be in Vancouver, BC on June 17th and Portland, Oregon on July 14th.  I finally took this class myself last session and I have to say, it was so informative and interesting and well presented.  And the Doctors Dina really walk the walk, too.  Not only have they researched the nutritional science behind a raw vegan diet, they are glowing, living proof that it works.  I highly recommend it.

Speaking of glowing, living proof of the benefits of a raw vegan diet – I’m on the second to last day of a twenty-eight day cleanse and I can hardly believe it.  I’m not going to say there weren’t times when I thought it was never going to end.  There were.  But now that it’s really and truly done, it seems like it went pretty fast.  Or – more like I can’t believe the results that have been achieved in such a short time.  I feel amazing and so much healthier than I did twenty seven days ago.  I feel more clear and confident than I have maybe ever before, too.  My darling daughter Bridget and fellow enrollment goddess Amanda have done it, too.  I’m so proud of all of us.  And we were led by Living Light Instructor Gina Hudson.  She made it doable and yummy and was so supportive.  So – what’s next?  Well – some pastry, for sure – I’m still me.  But I hope this will kick off a new lifestyle, a new relationship to food, and a new energy.  If you want to change your life, change your diet for a while.  You’ll be amazed, I promise.

May 19, 2012 at 11:11 am 1 comment

Spring Clean by mary elizabeth

I’m on day twelve of a twenty eight day cleanse.  Last week was just juice.  This week is juice and smoothies.  Sometimes I’m hungry.  Sometimes I’m completely satisfied.  Sometimes I’m pretty cranky, but even girls who’ve just polished off blueberry muffins get cranky.  Sometimes I lose track of why I thought this would be a good idea.  But – it is.  Sometimes it’s good to make a radical change.  As I’ve said before, wishing doesn’t make one healthy and thin.  And bad habits won’t go away by themselves.  Any kind of improvement takes work – usually hard work.  And there’s half of me that knows that and just wants to rebel.  Who likes self discipline and being conscious about stuff?  Fortunately – the other half of me does!  The sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from succeeding at a personal challenge is a wonderful thing.  Nothing feels quite so satisfying.  And I always find that focusing really hard on one area of my life frees up my mind and heart to see some of the others in a new light.  Being all-consumed with this cleanse has given the rest of my life a chance to just fall into place.  Obsessing on juice has allowed me to realize that a lot of what I’ve been all twisted about lately just doesn’t matter that much.  What matters is taking care of myself, loving the people in my life and watching the clock till the next juice time.  This whole experience is a gift.

Speaking of gifts, why not treat yourself to our Pastry Focused Package here at Living Light this month.  You’ll come out of it with two certifications and a life changing relationship to food.  You’ll also come out of it having saved some cash because our founder, Cherie, is turning sixty five this month and to honor this milestone, we’re offering $65 off each class! Pretty cool and it adds up, believe me.  If memory serves, I love pastry.  If you do too, you should check out this offer.

May 4, 2012 at 3:51 pm 3 comments

Happy Days by mary elizabeth

Today is my birthday!  My very most favorite holiday, really.  I realize it’s not an actual holiday outside of Maryelizabethland, but I don’t care.  I expect the people who love me to make as big a deal out of it as I do.  They don’t have to make any kind of material fuss, just a fuss of friendliness.  (They can make a material fuss next year when I turn fifty.)  Anyhow, I’ve managed to surround myself with loving, supportive people pretty exclusively at this point, so I am getting my wish – complete with a yummy  potluck right here in the Admin. Office of Living Light!  I’m truly grateful that I have this fabulous job with all these wonderful people.  Thanks!

There’s nothing like being in a group of like-minded people all heading in essentially the same direction.  And that’s what you get when you come to study at Living Light.  Not only are you with people all learning the same thing, but that thing is a planet friendly way of eating that can change the world.  It can certainly change yours and what better way to reinforce that than to spend time with others with the same goal?  Staying at the Living Light Inn is another potential layer to the immersion aspect of learning raw food with us.  Not only are you learning and creating with your fellow students, you’re living with them in a beautiful California Craftsman style building with organic bedding, triple filtered water and other eco-friendly amenities.  The communal kitchen is fully equipped to practice and prepare all the new recipes you’re learning and to try out your own creations.

Traveling to Living Light to learn gourmet raw cuisine is going to impact your life, no matter where you stay or how long you stay.  As you follow your passion, you will find yourself surrounded by like minded people more and more.  If your passion is raw food, let your path lead you to Living Light.  You’ll never be the same.

April 5, 2012 at 4:05 pm 5 comments

Happy Spring by mary elizabeth

There’s something so fresh and exciting about the beginning of spring.  I love all the flowers and the lengthening days and the prospect of summer not so far away.  Even the wind isn’t bothering me quite as much as usual.  It’s bothering me, for sure, but I’m trying to look at it as a physical manifestation of a real clearing out of the old, making room for the new.  And you know – I’m not even really sure what it is I’m making room for, or clearing out for that matter.  I just know I’m ready for change.  I’m eager for an energy shift that will help me be more creative and open to abundance. My birthday’s in the spring and I’m ready for a new year full of new opportunities and attitudes.  What are you hoping for this spring?

We have lots of opportunities at Living Light this spring.  We have a full Gourmet Raw Food Chef certification, an Advanced Science of Raw Food Nutrition Educator certification and an Associate Chef plus Pastry Certification, too.  If your goal for the spring is to become a raw food chef, we’ve got you covered.  And if you’d like to start with something smaller, we have our two day essential oil class offered in April.  These classes are wonderful gateways to abundance both on a culinary level and a spiritual one, too.  I think I’m going to take those classes again this time.  I took them a few years ago and felt so open to all the universe had in store for me.  I almost have that feeling again, all on my own, but reinforcement will feel even better.  I’m going to sign up right now – a birthday present for myself.  Happy spring!

March 24, 2012 at 8:18 pm Leave a comment

Winter’s End by mary elizabeth

Well here it is, St. Patrick’s Day again, and you know how seriously I take my saints!  Today is the last winter holiday, pointing us towards the spring.  It’s also a great day to see fairies and I take them pretty seriously, too.  A friend of mine told me it’s also International Astrology Day.  I guess it’s just a good day to connect with our spiritual sides and get ready for another favorite day – the vernal equinox!  In just a couple days it will be spring; the sun will enter Aries and we’ll begin another seasonal year.  I’m looking forward to it.  I’m ready for a year full of bright beginnings and new paths to follow.  I’m ready for an emotional spring cleaning –  letting go of old, destructive patterns and people so that I’ll be open to all the possibilities this spring holds.

There are lots of possibilities here at Living Light this spring.  We are starting our first full Platinum Package of the year on March 31st.  What better way to spend your spring?  And, as my blog sister Kristin posted yesterday, there’s a new beginning right here in our office for someone who’d like to be part of  Living Light.  And of course, our Cafe has lots of yummy juices and smoothies – the perfect treat on a fresh spring day.   In fact – today would be a great day to come in for a green juice – St. Patrick style!

March 17, 2012 at 2:10 pm 2 comments

Classrooms by mary elizabeth

I know we’re supposed to view all of life’s experiences as lessons and all of the people with whom we come in contact as teachers.  But sometimes I feel like certain lessons are just grand wastes of time and some of my teachers are, at the very least, in need of a review.  However – usually all it takes is a little time before I can appreciate the lessons I’ve learned – even the boring ones.  And to pull an example out of real non-metaphorical life (for once), I get the opportunity to see my sweet kids not appreciating actual school on a daily basis.  It’s a fabulous reminder of being way too close to something to see the benefit.  So – as I navigate all of life’s lessons, I’ll try and remember to be grateful for whatever classroom I find myself in.

We just checked in a new group of students for a Pastry Focused Certification in our culinary classroom upstairs.  In just twenty five days, these people will leave us as Living Light certified chefs.  That’s a pretty short time for so much knowledge and experience.  But – since such a huge percentage of our students come from afar, we don’t want to waste your time.  The training moves along at quite a fast pace and days off are a rarity, but you’ll be in a fabulous classroom with the world’s best teachers!  And – you’ll leave here fully ready to begin your new chapter as a raw food chef with tons of skill and confidence!

March 3, 2012 at 1:06 pm 2 comments

Sitting Here in Limbo by kristin

There’s something about this time of year – I sometimes feel a bit in limbo. I’m looking forward to Spring, and knowing that the season is almost upon us – only 18 more days until the Vernal Equinox. At the same time, Spring is not QUITE here. The sun actually looks a lot warmer than it is. Still, it’s nice to wake up to a little more daylight and brightness, and to sometimes make it home near sunset instead of when its pitch dark. Spring MandalaSo hope springs eternal in the human breast, and we come out of the darkness into the light again every year, like clockwork. For me that means moving from a more contemplative aspect into a more energetic mode of being. More walking outdoors, gardening, traveling, and stopping to smell the flowers. I’ve had Calla lilies and daffodils on my kitchen table this past week – they’re growing in my garden. Energetically, it feels as though I am slowly coming out of the dream of winter and moving into a new and magical realm. Spring is comingThings are heating up here at Living Light, too. Our FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods students are already arriving, and I just met a woman who is here with her cousin – they live in Bermuda, and she has a lovely, lilting accent. Chef Made is back with us for his Advanced Pastry Arts – Unbaked! course. He’s from Fivelements Puri Ahimsa in Bali. Some people are arriving for the Associate Chef and Instructor training; others plan to be here through Gourmet, and still others have signed up for our complete Platinum Package – they don’t want to miss a thing!step into spring

March 2, 2012 at 7:33 pm 1 comment

Take a Tumble by kristin

Oddly enough, I started this New Year off (close to my birthday) by taking a tumble – I tripped and fell at a local store, and besides being embarrassed, I was forced to sit still for a few days and take stock of what the New Year means. Part of the gift of having a January birthday is that you are starting your New Year just as the New Year is starting itself.Alice falls down the rabbit hole As it turned out, on my actual birthday (Sunday), I was able to take calls from friends and family without the distraction of having to run off someplace and “have fun.” Don’t get me wrong – I love to have fun on my birthday, and I appreciate all of the niceties -gifts, cards, flowers, candy, and the like (my friend Lesley here at work made the most adorable little cake – it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland). count your blessingsSo I found the gift in the tumble- to remember to count your blessings and appreciate all the love you have in your life. What could be a better birthday present?

At Living Light, the New Year brings us many gifts, not the least of which is a brand new group of excited, enthusiastic students. Reports from the teachers are that this group of students is the BEST EVER. We are so lucky. They are currently in the Associate Chef and Instructor part of our curriculum, and are doing their demos -remarkable! In just a few short weeks they can go from complete novice to teaching a raw food demo with all the bells and whistles. We’re proud, we’re happy, and we know that our students make a difference wherever they go. Red Pepper Hummus Bites

January 24, 2012 at 7:26 pm Leave a comment

Destination Known by mary elizabeth

I have this little card up by my desk which reads: My destiny is mine to control.  It’s from one of those pretty little boxed sets of inspirational cards, this one courtesy of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  The wording may be a bit tricky for those of us with control issues, but I get it.  I can do anything I want.  I don’t need permission.  I don’t need to wait till everyone else in my life has secured their destinies first.  It’s a powerful and necessary affirmation and I’m glad it’s there and I’m glad it’s true.

Twice a year, Living Light offers this great class called Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training.  Jennifer Cornbleet teaches it and it’s all about expanding your business as a raw food instructor.  If you want to see someone who’s made a success for herself in the raw food world, check out Jennifer. Her first book, Raw Food Made Easy for One or Two People, is wildly popular and I would say that when I worked in the Living Light Marketplace, it was the book most mentioned when people spoke of their conversion to raw food.  Anyhow – one of those two times is now!  We are about done with our first certification of 2012 (wasn’t it just Christmas?) and it’s followed by this exciting opportunity to make your business thrive.  Take control of your destiny!

January 23, 2012 at 10:37 am 1 comment

An Adventure by hilloah

This last weekend I harvested the last of the carrots.  Some were juiced (I love carrot and apple juice!) and some will be shredded and put in the freezer to make future carrot muffins.  Every Christmas I enjoy giving to others.  What will it be this year; loaves of carrot apple kuchen, cranberry walnut scones, or pumpkin pie?  One year I made almond biscotti – what fun!

This last weekend we registered the last session of students for the year. Some are here for just a few courses, some for the Associate Chef and Instructor Certification, some for the Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification, and some for the Nutritional Certifications. Some students enrolled for one day, others for over fifty. We even have one student interested in the Professional Chef Certification which will include a year’s internship after she has taken every course available. People come to Living Light for different reasons. Some want to be teachers, some chefs, some just to learn an alternative way of preparing food, some for their own or a loved one’s health. For whatever reason, the journey is always an adventure.

October 5, 2011 at 11:16 am Leave a comment

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