Posts filed under ‘Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts’

A New Path this Spring by kristin

Path to somewhere It’s the last day of February, and that means March is coming up. Spring renewal, spring cleaning, a fresh start, and new beginnings are in order. After the short days of winter, it is great to look forward to what’s on the horizon and to include more green in our days in a variety of ways.

Green is definitely our favorite color here at Living Light! And to get you started, here’s one of our favorite recipes for Garden Blend Soup!

Over and over again we hear from our students that taking the leap towards a new life is possible with raw foods. It is definitely a life changing experience to come here to Living Light and experience the wealth of information and expertise offered by our teaching staff and the gourmet raw foods curriculum we’ve been perfecting for more than 14 years.

spring cleaningSpring is the ideal time to clean not only our physical houses, but our emotional and spiritual houses as well. Over many years, I’ve been hearing from people that as they improve their diets, they find that their spirits are lifted, they experience more mental clarity, a positive outlook on life, and renewed hope for the future. Remarkable benefits available to everyone, no matter where they’re starting from on the path.

We’re delighted to offer several upcoming class sessions to support your fresh start. Whether you’d like to learn how to make great, healthy raw foods for family and friends, or you are ready to jump start a career, we encourage you to start here at Living Light. We promise your creations will be magically delicious! There are still a few more spots in both our Essentials of Raw Living Foods session beginning March 5 and our Gourmet Raw Foods Chef training beginning March 19th. Get your green on!

green world

February 28, 2011 at 3:01 pm Leave a comment

Yum! by mary elizabeth

I don’t remember if I ever really followed up on Bridget’s and my raw food adventure last month. Probably not, because to be perfectly frank, we were pretty much over it by the end. In fact, we’re still a little leery of the food processor. Physically, it was a big fat success, though. Besides my shiny hair, my daughter’s skin was glowing and clear, we may have lost a little weight (well…she did…), and we felt great! It was a fantastic experience and we’re planning to do it again – just not immediately. In the mean time, we’re trying to integrate more raw into our day to day menus, and we’re sneaking up on veganism. If you really want to put your eating habits into perspective, I suggest you go raw for a month. And if you do, may I also suggest you keep within reach of the Living Light pastry case.

Speaking of pastry, yesterday was the last day of Pastry Arts – Unbaked! And that, dear reader, is a good day to work at Living Light. We were treated to samples of all kinds of goodies the students had made in class – very generously. I brought mine home to share with my daughter. It was a yummy delight. Living Light’s about to begin another Gourmet Raw Food Chef series next month, complete with another pastry class at the end, but we don’t have many spaces left. So – if you’re considering coming, I suggest you register sooner rather than later as your next chance isn’t until July. Give me a call!

February 25, 2011 at 1:47 pm 3 comments

To Add or Take Away, that is the Question – by hilloah

Weekends are so precious! Sometimes they are full of chores at home, events with friends,  and then getting ready for the work week. This last weekend I had nothing planned, which felt great on the Friday before.  So how did I fill in the time?

On Saturday Archie and I had the bottle of champagne he bought me for Valentine’s Day. A few weeks ago I read an article in AARP about a woman who got in shape “accidently” by walking on her lunch hour. So I started to briskly walk for 20 minutes a day Monday and Friday and enjoyed it.shape

That started me to thinking about a book I had heard about a few years ago. This book was about getting into shape mentally, physically, and if you wished, spiritually. It advocated that you add or take away one thing a week to help you towards your goal. Walking is what I’ve added so far. Stay tuned next week for the take away!

Meanwhile, back at work, The first Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification is over and now we are heading for the Science of Raw Food Nutrition series. I have taken Level I and was very impressed by Rick and Karin Dina the instructors of the series. In that class you learn where to get your proteins, calcium, vitamin B12, those essential amino acids, and so much more. Too many people become vegetarians, vegans, or raw foodists without a thought about a balance of foods to serve our needs. Did you know that a head of romaine lettuce has 44% of your daily requirements? Not only that but it is a complete protein – it has the amino acids that are so important for our health  ! Awesome!lettuce

February 22, 2011 at 2:02 pm Leave a comment

The More Things Change… mary elizabeth

Seriously – you’re not going to believe this, but I missed the Hot Raw Chef voting – again. It seems impossible. I mean, I really, truly and in all honesty thought I had until the 12th, but it turns out I only had until the 9th which many of you probably knew because you read our literature including this blog. I mean, I’d watched and was all ready to vote. I thought I’d do it on the 10th – which still would have given me a couple days lee way, and that totally constitutes voting early in my world. Oh well. The winners have been announced and the contest was a whopping success. There were over forty entries and thousands of people actually voted.  And you can still watch the videos – just for fun – like I did!

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I just love it when Vinnette Thompson is here. That woman can create food. And – you can really taste the love she puts into each creation. We at Living Light are so lucky to have her. I’m a huge fan and you would be, too, given the opportunity to study under her in our advanced culinary classes. If you can’t come for a whole gourmet series, though – why not come for just a few classes. We have a little, short series beginning next month and it’s super discounted. So give me a call and I’ll tell you all about it.

February 16, 2011 at 4:24 pm 2 comments

Bees in My Refrigerator-Eeek! by hilloah

I never thought this day would come; but, well – we have bees in our refrigerator. For those of you who are vegan and wouldn’t want to have bees that produce honey, Mason Bees are a great solution. They are great pollinators but do not produce honey. With all our of our gardens, Archie and I truly need pollinators, and these bees will not live in our fridge forever. In the Spring we’ll release them to begin their adventures with flowers. Another great thing is that Mason bees will not attract  bears into our part of the forest (neck of the woods-LOL). The Mason bee’s main lot in life is to procreate.  They gather pollen, then go back to a tube, deposit the pollen, lay an egg, partition it off with mud, and  start all over again. One tube can hold six to eight eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the liners can be taken out and clean new ones inserted into the tubes. You need at least two nests as the hatchlings do not go back to the one in which they were born, but want a different nest. Another good thing about Mason bees is that they are virtually non-stinging; great for those gardeners who are allergic to bee stings.

blue mason bee

Speaking of Spring, this early March for the first and only time Living Light Culinary Institute is offering a “mini series” with a savings of up to $460.00 for four classes, and an option of three nights free when you stay 7 nights at Living Light Inn. So many people do not have the time to come for three weeks, so here is your chance to come for nine days, take the first four courses needed for the Associate Chef & Instructor Certification and at a discounted price. Yahoolove berry

February 15, 2011 at 2:00 pm 4 comments

A Valentine for You by kristin

valentine hands
We would like to extend our thanks to each and every contestant who entered the Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest. We had 44 entries, and over 5,000 voters. It’s very exciting to us to provide a forum for a group of new chefs who delight us with their talents and recipes. Stay tuned on Valentine’s Day, February 14 for the announcement of the winners!

heart splash

Meantime,  as a special valentine to those who have dreamed of becoming Living Light students, we’ve added an extra session in early March, with love-ly discounts! The special discounts are for the March 5-11 session only, and you can take one, two, three or four of our core classes: FUNdamentals, Knife Skills, Essentials, and Science I. I’m using abbreviations, but you can find the full class titles and all the details here. The special discounts are not available online though, so pick up the phone and talk to one of our sweet and spicy enrollment specialists today!

The early March session is especially good for students who want to get started, but can’t break away from their family or personal obligations for a longer session just yet. Now is the time to follow your heart,–to Living Light! And who knows, with all you learn here at Living Light, you   just might be a Hot Raw Chef before you know it! pink anime

February 11, 2011 at 6:40 pm 1 comment

3 Reasons to Smile by hilloah

In March we at Living Light are having a “mini series”.  We’re offering the first four classes of the Associate Chef and Instructor certification series. It begins with FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods and our Knife Skills Intensive. The next five days are spent in Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts. After a much deserved Saturday off, students will spend the next two days in the Science of Raw Food Nutrition.   This is a great opportunity for those who cannot spend three weeks away from home at one time, or for people who are mainly interested in learning raw culinary arts for their home kitchen. Check it out! 

We received a great Christmas present this last year from our friends Joe & Sandi: a membership to FOG – Friends of the Gardens. We went to our first meeting last week. We did not know what to expect, except for appetizers and wine. (One of the enticements!) I discovered that they are preparing an “Adventure Walk” for children aged 4 to 8, but it sounds like so much fun that I think many adults will want to walk the path too. There will be a teepee to sit in, a large nest with concrete eggs to sit upon, and vegetables to pick from the garden and eat. Who wouldn’t want to go?  Next month they are having a lecture series on “Victory Gardens”.   I love our local botanical gardens!

Well, I voted for the Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest, have you? It was fun looking at the videos: some were funny, some were serious and the food looks so very good – I will enjoy the eBook of recipes

February 8, 2011 at 6:13 pm Leave a comment

Raw Lessons by mary elizabeth

I’m over half way through my month of 100% raw and I must say the whole experience is very illuminating. It’s caused me to think about food a lot more than I normally do – A LOT more! Of course, there’s all the pre-planning and shopping and soaking and whatever else, which can be exhausting for some one like me, but I’ve really had to look at my emotional relationship to food as well. It’s so natural to walk across the lobby and get a cookie when I get a little bored at work. It’s so satisfying to have a slice of cake in the evening to end the day on a positive note. Now, I have to make myself smile without a sweet. It’s not hard – but it does take some thought. And it makes me think about all the crap I used to stuff in my mouth without thinking about it. Anyhow, I feel great! I’m super energized and my hair looks terrific!

One piece of advice I’d give to anyone thinking of doing an all raw diet for any length of time: prepare yourself with some raw culinary skills. The whole thing can get a little overwhelmingly boring if you can’t whip up a couple desserts or fancy entrees. And, if you didn’t guess already, one of the great ways to get these skills is to attend some basic classes at Living Light. We just added a mini series to our 2011 line-up: FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods, Knife Skills Intensive and the Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts. This trio of classes will get anyone fully prepared to set up a home raw food kitchen where they can prepare delicious meals. We’ve also added the ever popular two day Science of Raw Food Nutrition I so you can learn all about why my hair looks so terrific! Anyhow – we’re running a special for locals, so if you’re in the area and want to go raw, give me a call. I’ll get you registered and give you all my tips for staying the course!

January 20, 2011 at 6:11 pm 4 comments

January and Inspiration by kristin

fern frond

Even though the energy is supposedly still curled up tight in January, I always feel a little surge of Spring at this time of the year. Just enough to tease out that little bit of hope that might have lain dormant after the holidays. When I go out to visit the plants on my deck, I see some new fronds and shoots, and a tinge of fresh green, nature’s “hardest hue to hold” as Robert Frost says.

I love inspiration. We are starting to feel extra inspired this year, because we have our first group of students moving into “Chef” as we call it–when they really start using the skills they’ve aquired so far, and do their first public culinary demo at our school, besides learning (and eating!) a variety of truly scrumptious recipes. And we have extra reason to celebrate. Our chef Amber West has decided to follow her passion and complete our Living Light Associate Chef Internship Program. heart inspiration

This means that she’ll be here as a chef/instructor for every Associate Chef and Instructor Series we have throughout the year. We’ve decided that this will be a great opportunity for us to launch another blog, called “The Chef Experience.” Amber will chronicle each of the sessions with students in the Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training™ program, and share insights and photos from each group. This will prove to be inspiring to everyone working here, as well as to all the potential Living Light students out there who want to know the “skinny” on the day to day learning process. We’re really excited! We can hardly wait to share a bird’s eye view of our classes with all of you. And don’t forget the Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine Video Contest!

world view

January 19, 2011 at 5:34 pm 2 comments

Weekend Chores and Pacific Ocean by hilloah

This weekend I harvested the last of the carrots. What we don’t eat this coming week I shredded and froze to use as filler in soups or in making carrot bread.  There is Swiss chard left in the garden I will also harvest. I wonder if they will make good chips like kale does. I just “Googled” for a chard chip recipe and found some – yeah!

Besides the lime mousse I still need to make, I will try another of Mary Elizabeth’s recipes: stuffed mushrooms. She puts mushroom stems, soaked almonds, nutritional yeast, olive oil, salt & pepper to taste in a food processor and then she stuffs the mushroom caps. She and her daughter, Bridget, said they were great – hope Archie thinks so!

I am so excited about the Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine contest, especially since the prize is for $5,000 in Living Light Classes and/or the Living Light Inn: what a treat! Some of the entries are former students, but not all. This just shows that our world RAWks! knitting by ocean

It wasn’t an all food weekend: we also went to the ocean. In the morning it was so bright and sunny that as soon as I harvested the carrots, and Archie finished working in the lavender garden, we headed to the 10 Mile River beach. By then it was overcast. Oh well, I sat in a chair knitting and watching the waves roll in and the dogs run from them! Archie walked along the coast line looking for “finds”. What he found this time were mussels. When he returned I looked at him and noticed that his beard and mustache was full of mist. Yes, it was cold, but we had fun anyway.

January 18, 2011 at 4:43 pm Leave a comment

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